When six year old Charlie was first brought to the ABC Room - he'd spent his entire life as his Dad's favorite punching bag. His head was bent - his shoulders slumped - his arms crossed protectively across his chest - just waiting for the next smack. Charlie's jeans were two sizes too big - his shoes two sizes too small. Caught between an older and younger sibling, he never had clothes or shoes that were just his. Charlie's caseworker brought him to the ABC Room, along with both his brothers. And, while Charlie's brothers oohed and aahh-ed over all the wonders, new clothes, shoes, toys, Charlie walked slowly in silence. "Go ahead Charlie," his Caseworker encouraged, " you can choose whatever you want. It's OK." At long last Charlie stood before a shelf filled with personal hygiene items. He looked up - "I've always wanted to try one of these", he said, pointing to a toothbrush. At six, Charlie had never brushed his teeth. His Caseworker gave him four toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash and floss too! Of all the things that he could have had - Charlie chose a thing so simple - a thing we all take for granted every single day.
And by the way - Charlie and his brothers were also given new clothes, shoes and undergarments, a blanket, pillow, travel bag and a new toy each!